Composite or Synastry Chart Report - Written, Zoom, In-Person Options

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  • Regular price $250.00

Discover The Cosmic Secrets Of The Astrological Equation Between Yourself & A Loved One With A Composite Or Synastry Chart Report. Zoom & In-Person Readings Are Approximately 2.5 Hours.

What is the Difference?

A Composite Report is used to understand the Astrological Combination between yourself & a loved one. It uses the information of both your births, to create a new Third Chart which represents the relationship as a whole. Think of it like this: Your Chart + Loved Ones Chart = A Whole New Composite Chart!

This Reading is great for viewing your relationship as its own entity, and can be an ongoing source of illumination & validation for the lifetime of your relationship. This Chart is like a workbook and will serve whatever curiosities you may have about you & your loved one. It can be used as a tool to highlight the negative & challenging aspects of your Composite Chart, identifying places of potential dissonance and offering in return active, relatable suggestions on how best to transform & move through them. 

This Chart can also be incredibly supportive and serve as a beautiful reminder to how wonderful your union can be: revealing your places of combined strength, natural talent & skills, harmonic characteristics and your unified potential for growth.
All In All The Composite Chart Exists To Unveil The Innerworkings Of Your Unique Connection With Another Divine Soul, Supporting Conscious Growth To Serve Your Highest & Truest Self, Together.

A Synastry Report is used to understand the potential nature of interactions that can occur between two people, more so focusing on the influences & effects of each individual person being considered, rather than the fusion of the two like in a Composite Chart.

Using Both Charts Individually, side by side, (your chart & the chart of a loved one) we take a closer look at the compared & contrasted aspects of both. This report provides an objective perspective on the significance and influences of the two charts towards one another, addressing such topics as: places of inspiration, comforts & challenges, potential triggers, shared interests, home life, general compatibility, love, money, modes of expression... the list goes on! With so much information covered by a Chart, there is literally no limit to what facets of the relationship we can examine, so please come with Questions!

This Chart Is Great To Recognize How You Push Each Others Buttons & What Energy May Color The Experiences Ahead Of You Both, As Your Journeys Unfold Individually.

Both the Composite & Synastry Chart Readings Include Q&A Sessions To Insure Your Questions & Interests Are Directly Addressed.

Information Included But Certainly Not Limited To:

The Chart Layout, Rulership & Significance of Your Unique 12 Houses, The Interaction of The 12 Zodiac Signs, Specific Planetary Placements, Relevant Aspects including Conjunctions, Oppositions, Squares, Sextiles, Past Influence, Experience & Impressions plus some Guidance for Future Endeavors & Not Yet Unfolded Moments

Reports Are Available Within 10 Days Of Purchase.

Person # 1: Birthday, Birth Time, Birth City Or State
Person # 2: Birthday, Birth Time, Birth City Or State

::Please Submit Your Email Address And/Or Phone Number With Your Purchase To Schedule Our Reading Session. IG Video Preferred @witch.pirate Or @thetreewitch. Readings Are A Minimum Of 1.5 Hours & A Maximum Of 3 Hours. Reports Are Available In Written Form Upon Request For An Additional Cost of 40$::